Mamluk Sheep for sheep farming is a host Christian family business owned by Ninos Hazim Mamluk and located in Bakhtme village in Duhok governorate, it started as a small business in 2013, currently the business has grown to have 170 heads of sheep. The enterprise has been offered a loan of $17,120, paid seasonally, as well as various trainings on business development and sessions on social cohesion to help developing the business.
TVET in 2020
TVET in 2020
2020 2022
Staff/workers in 2020
Staff/workers in 2021
Profit in 2020
Profit in 2021
To be purchased with the seasonal loan
Protection Fence
It’s planned to start increasing the number of sheep in the farm after receiving the seasonal loans, also to add a fence near the river that passes Bakhetme village to protect the sheep from it. The business owner intends to attend the social cohesion sessions with 2-4 workers, as well as other TVET offered by REVIVE project.