Bleza Factory – Album and Photo Frame Production Factory.

Name: Bleza Factory – Album and Frame Factory. Legal Status of Residency: host community
Business owner: Sardar Salih Hasan Religion: Muslim
Location: Duhok City in Duhok governorate Date of Business Starting: 2008
Business Development: Raw Material, CNC and Printer and laser machines Amount of Loan: $20,000
Number of Worker before: 12 workers in 2021 Number of Worker after: 16 workers in 2022
Profit in 2021: $30,000 Profit in 2022: Still
Social Cohesion Participatory: Yes Vocational Training: not yet

Development Aspects of Business

  1. Raw materials such as fiber.
  2. CNC machine
  3. Printer
  4. Laser machine

Employment Info:

Actions to be taken for 2022:
  • It has been decided to expand the business by adding another line of production
  • Bring more quality due the purchased machines.
  • Hiring more employees in regards to the additional new line of production.
  • Willing to participate in Business Development Training in near future.
  • Participating in more activities of social cohesion intervention.